The Swedish Massage is a technique, widely used in the countries of the Western World, which is based on massaging the muscles of the entire body, from head to foot.
The massage is performed with gentle movements and with the use of Essential Oils (aromatherapy), depending on the needs of each case. Some of the basic movements used in Swedish massage are: rapid and gentle strokes to the body to prepare it (effleurage); smooth grips and lifting muscles (petrissage); circular and deep movements with the thumbs and fingers, along the length of the muscles (friction); and alternating pressures with palms flat, the fingers or the fist (tapotement) constantly causing muscle contractions.
The Swedish Massage helps to combat physical exhaustion and fatigue, rejuvenates stressed body and brings about wellness, while increasing the body temperature resulting in the removal of toxins and various edemas.
The treatment lasts about 30-45 minutes.